Hello world!
You can download videos from youtube/twitch and other sites with yt-dlp like this:
yt-dlp -f "bv[height<500]+ba" video_url
You can use ffmpeg to compress video and strip metadata:
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -s 854x480 -vcodec libx265 -crf 30 -c:a libopus -c:v libvpx -map_metadata -1 output.webm
You can search old youtube videos by adding "before:date" to search query (e.g. akihabara before:2009). But then there's weird sorting, to fix it you can sort by views and scroll way down until videos have like 1000 views. That way you can find vlogs where people "trying this new youtube thing out", 144p japan vlogs, old amvs, let's plays etc.
These are hosted on catbox.moe
Since all videos you watch use same bandwidth as downloading them you may as well download them.
To download right-click -> save link as or to download all webms from this page you can use wget:
curl https://bobega.neocities.org/videos | grep -o 'https://[^"]*webm' | xargs wget
last edited 2024